Sunday, October 07, 2007

Krosa -- Our first real typhoon

We just had a huge typhoon coming our way. The typhoon, Krosa, was strong and made lots of trees fall or be teared apart from the ground. Luckly, we didnt get any damage. Ron was at a freind's house when the typhoon started and he needed to come home! he and his friend's mother waited until the typhoon was a bit weak and drove slowly and safely to jasper villa (our house). We could walk around in our building but it was dangerous to go outside, motorcycles fell from the wind and the rain. It was so windy levaes were stuck to our window from the outside! We had a flood on our porch so all of us tried to take as much water away from there while we got wet. Since we took the water away the floor of the house was wet and ron and gil used it to ski on their knees.

written by Ron

We all know that it was typhooning yesterday. I stayed with my parents at our house while Ron was away at a friend's house. I looked out of window and it was so rainy I could wash my hands outside!!! (if I won't fly away...) My parents played with me all morning. At the afternoon I went to play in the playground(which is indoor.) When I was about to go I looked out of the play grounds window and i saw a broken tree!!!When I came back there was a flood in our house so we had to get towels and get the most water as we can into 3 contaners. After everything was dry Ron and I skied on our knees which was prety fun. That's what I did on my first Thyphoon day.

written by Gil Gordon

Our typhoon was pretty exiting. The wind was gushing and rain was pouring down by the buckets. We had around 1 meter of rain in 24 hours (what you get in Tel Aviv in a year...) actually, we could see waves of rain going in vertical motion due to the wind. At one point our balcony was flooded and we had to open the door and drain the water. The wind was so strong, it tore down the curtain with the curtain rail off the ceiling!

Kids were busy with their friends, and I read my book, while Arik was busy following the typhoon news on the computer. In the afternoon we invited other "typhoon prisoners" to our house and had a nice time. Kids were happy to see it, but upset it was Saturday, since school is closed on typhoon days...



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