Saturday, August 26, 2006

Formosa Fun Coast - Water Park

August 27th, 2006

Hi all,

We visited the best water park we ever tried. It is about 50 minutes drive from our apartment in Taipei.

It has water slides that are over 18 meters high ! (and up to 400 meters in length). Also, it has the longest water slide in Asia. We all had great fun.

There is one slide in particular, we call it the "Kamikaza". It is v e r y high, and the ride is v e r y short... You literally fall "free fall" style... Gil immediatelly took it (alone..., none other dared to try...). He had great fun and asked to do it again. He was the youngest traveller on board and became everyone's attraction, including the guards who used him as an exmaple for those who got cold feet when they reached the top... Eventually Ron also tried this nightmare with great success too. Luckily, the Gordon adults got an excemtpion (PTOR) from the children for this ride. So, we will defintely visit there again.


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